BSFC #30: Mary Anne and the Great Romance

It's hard to take a lighthearted tone in such dark times, but fortunately this episode was recorded well in advance of the horrendous attack on Ukraine. If you need a respite from the weight of this brutal, stupid world, join us as we reflect on some of our favorite things from January 1990: "Rhythm Nation," the original BSC TV show (!), and GOZZIE KUNKA.

Brooke and Kaykay discuss Mary Anne and the Great Romance's exploration of shifting family dynamics, attachment styles and their impact on relationships, and the struggle to find a proper balance between "lonely" and "free," with diversions on Gozzie Kunka, '90s nautical fashion, and Gozzie Freaking Kunka.


BSFC #31: Dawn’s Wicked Stepsister


BSFC Super Special #3: Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation